Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gorgonzola, Beet & Walnut Salad

This simple recipe is one of my all time favorites and can be served year round to friends or on the go!
1 bushel of beets
1 handful of walnuts
gorgonzola cheese to taste
balsamic vinaigrette
Clean and peel the beets, cube and steam for 45 min. to an hour. They should be tender to the fork.
Chill beets.
Sprinkle beets with walnuts and gorgonzola, dress with vinaigrette and serve.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Take the Stairs!

Monday’s office tip: Take the stairs!
 Do you work in a multilevel office building? Do you look at the stairs as the fire escape? Today you can start looking at them as your onsite gym!
With the exception of poorly lit or unsafe stairwells, stairs can be a great way to get your blood pumping and activate your muscles in minutes a day. Begin by using the stairs to get to and from your office. That alone will increase your daily steps per day. Next take ten minute breaks throughout the day, grab a partner and do some step ups.
Starting from the floor you’re on, walk two flights up, two flights down, an additional two flights down, and then return to your floor by walking two flights back up for a total of eight flights of stairs. Repeat this until you’ve been doing... To read more please follow me over to Sharecare!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Dream of a Fit, Healthy Body

We all have dreams for our lives that may or may not be actively in play. Having a fit healthy body is a very sound dream worth pursuing. If you're finding yourself stuck in the dream and want to make it a reality, then please come read my blog at Sharecare, I dream of a fit, healthy body.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Food and Family - How Does it Influence You Today?

Coming from a divorced family, I grew up in two very different homes. One of the most significant differences was the experience around food. 
My mom was a food writer, had started cooking at four and was making family meals by the time she was eight. All of our traditions on her side of the family were based around food, my mother, my aunt, my grandmother and I spent hours in the kitchen preparing dinners, and the stories at the dinner table revolved around these family meals. My grandfather and uncle were hunters, so the meat was usually pheasant, venison or duck. I was taught at a very young age how to make sides of potato dumplings and sauerkraut from the recipes my great grandparents had brought with them from Czechoslovakia.
At home it was just my mother and myself, and while dinner was casual and I often ate while immersed in a book, my mom was always testing out recipes, so the meals were fairly elaborate. Her meals were healthy, in that they were made from scratch and from whole foods, but they were often quite rich, as many of her recipes called for heavy cream and butter. Because it was just us, I would frequently take breaks while eating, go play, and come back to finish when I was hungry again. We called it grazing. The one rule was that I had to cover my food with a bowl before I left or it was fair game for the cat. We ate dessert every night.
By contrast, at my fathers house, food was for sustenance and was very sparse. We had oatmeal for breakfast with a pat of butter, cheese sandwiches for lunch, and dinner was rice and beans with salad on the side, or polenta and cheese with steamed vegetables, spaghetti, or my personal undoing - chicken livers and steamed chard with lemon. As a kid, I sometimes preferred the simplicity of these meals, but the portions were always too large. If dinner was something I didn’t like, the evenings were endless. I would sit and push food around on my plate, while my Dad would wash dishes and proclaim that I would sit there until I’d eaten every last bite. Threats were made that if I didn’t eat it for dinner, I would eat it for breakfast, and if I didn’t eat it for breakfast I would eat it for lunch. Dinner was a battle of the wills, and there were nights I sat until bedtime waiting for my Dad to give up in exasperation so he could finally clear my plate.
At his parents house, my grandfather made classic american breakfasts of bacon, eggs and hash browns, and for dinner my grandmother made thick, brown, Irish stews with chunks of beef, and vegetables from my grandfathers garden. My grandfather had an enormous garden in the lot below my fathers house. I would spend hours with him learning the names of all the vegetables, eating sun cooked corn on the cob right out of the husk, and he always carried a pocket sized salt shaker to sprinkle on kohlrabi and melons, that he’d slice with a pocket knife and serve to me right there in the garden.
I have take-aways from both experiences. As a teenager, to be different, I refused to learn to cook. This infuriated my mothers father, and he would quiz me on how I was going to find a husband if I wouldn’t cook for him. The years spent watching my family in the kitchen have since paid off and I cook quite well. I have a husband that I cook for, and he also cooks for me. 
I’ve learned, as an adult, that it’s important to listen to the signals telling me that my body’s full, and that solving the worlds hunger crisis is not going to be accomplished by my eating three more bites. While I’m certainly grateful for an abundance of food, I can stop eating when I’m full without feeling guilty.
The most important take-away I’ve received from both sides of my family of origin, and the one I incorporate into my own families way of life, is the importance of eating fresh, whole foods, made with quality ingredients. While we fluctuate from simple to elaborate meals, depending on the occasion, we tend to cook everything from scratch. We talk a lot about food. Where it comes from, how it’s made, the difference between processed foods and unadulterated foods. While my kids don’t have anything resembling the gardens I grew up around, we do shop at the farmers market and we visit farms during the summer time to pick our own fruit.
Food is much more complex than just sustenance. Because we depend on it for survival, we’re wired to respond to it emotionally. When we factor in all of our family traditions and celebrations, it’s no wonder we’re faced with a lot more challenges when changing our diet than just changing the way we shop. 
 Writing down your experience will help you identify why you make the food choices you do, and better assist you in unblocking any barriers that are limiting you from progressing to a healthier diet. What were your family traditions around food, and how has that shaped your relationship with food today?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Take a Risk!

What risk will you take today?

That's a loaded question. Particularly since we tend to think of risk taking as engaging in reckless behavior - bringing harm to ourselves and others. But what about the little risks? Daily risks we all take just by getting up in the morning? With the exception of debilitating circumstances, we get up every day, regardless of the risk involved, because there's way too much living we'd be missing out on if we didn't.

So, I ask again - What risk will you take today?

One of my sons is very shy. Starting a conversation with another kid petrifies him. So we practice. I pretend to be a kid in class, and I lead him through a very basic, "Hi, how are you, how was your weekend," scenario - It takes his breath away. He resists the practice and I hug him when he tells me that I'm a mean Mom, and I let him know that I know it's hard. But, we've learned some interesting things along the way. He didn't understand that when he ignores another childs greeting, that it makes them feel sad. He didn't understand that when he keeps his ideas to himself it robs another person, and himself, of the opportunity to collaborate, and that friendship is all about growing ones strengths with the input of another. Through our practice, he's learning that with one kid, a simple interaction may lead nowhere, but with another it can be the beginning of an amazing friendship, and that even with the person who we have nothing in common with, the simple act of acknowledging them reminds them they're important - that they are noticed in this world. He is compassionate, so this resonates with him. He's still not ready to try it at school, but he is practicing, and I feel him getting ready.

We all have things that are challenging for us and we all have our gifts. Sadly, we tend to take our gifts for granted and resign ourselves to being unsuccessful at the things that we find hard. The truth is, however, through practice we can all broaden our experience and become active participants in life. You do not have to be an expert, to be good enough - and good enough is all it takes to open yourself up to a world of possibility. 

So take a risk! 

Sign up for the spin class you've been drawn to yet avoiding. What's the worst thing that can happen? You slow down and take a break - It's not like those bikes actually go anywhere - you're not holding anyone else back!

Take a walk somewhere new. You'll be amazed by what you discover and your body will thank you for it.

Try a new food - You don't have to finish it, but maybe you'll want to!

Most importantly, share your gifts. You have talents that nobody else has. They may seem so miniscule and insignificant to you because to you they come naturally, but to someone else, they're huge. I guarantee you - If you share your gift you will touch someone, and by touching that person, you're changing the world.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI - BBQ Sweet Potato Fries!

If you're tuning into the Super Bowl this Sunday, then I know you're looking for some good eats. Even if you're not watching, you'll still love these sweet potato fries!

Unlike their name, they're baked, not fried - Point one for healthy and delicious.

Sweet potatoes are rich with antioxidants, which rid your body of free radicals. They contain anti-inflammatory agents, which come in handy for jumping up to cheer your team, and they're full of potassium, which keeps muscles from cramping, both on and off the field - 2 Points for comfort and movement.

Last but not least, the spices, smoked paprika, ginger and turmeric are also anti-inflammatory agents. They all aid in digestion and help sooth the stomach - Touch down!

Best reason to bake up these fries? They taste amazing! 

What you'll need:

3 pounds sweet potatoes or golden yams
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. salt

Pre-heat oven - 350 degrees.
Line 3 baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.

Slice potatoes into wedges - You determine peeled or un-peeled.
Wash sliced potatoes thoroughly in cold water to remove starch, and towel dry - place between two dry towels - to remove excess moisture. 

Place in a large bowl - set aside.

In a small bowl or cup, combine the spices until well blended.

Toss the potato wedges with olive oil.
Sprinkle the potatoes with 1/3 of the spices. 
Toss with salad tongs or spoons. 
Continue to sprinkle, and toss, turning the potatoes so that all wedges get spiced.
Toss a few more times for good measure, and then spread wedges on the prepared pans. 

Bake until golden - times will vary depending on your oven - but approximately 35-40 minutes. 
Check them frequently, and turn periodically to keep from burning.

These are great on their own - Or - for a fun healthy meal, serve them with 10-minute three bean chili
